Saturday, March 20, 2010

Guitar Guy

There's not a single doubt in my mind that I love my guitar. It has provided tranquility and revealed a passion inside of me that I've never realized. But man being the guy with the guitar feels like... Well like some sort of animal for display from the zoo or the clown you employed for your kid's birthday party.

It happened on one night, when my course mates were gathering at a bbq party. I told some of my friends that I'll be bringing my guitar, which I am not that serious in doing. But in the end my gut told me that I should bring it before I regretted anything.

So yeah, you thought at first that you're the center of attention, girls swooned over the way you strum, you made a birthday girl so darn happy and feel so special that you could have sworn that she would have fainted at any moment if you continue strumming (okay this is a little exaggerated but I hope that bday girl did felt that way), guys scorning over you, yeah... How you like that?? Haha kidding...

Then it came, a nightmare so unexpected that it smacks you in the face and made you flabbergasted. You couldn't see it coming, and if it did it was all too late. Girls started taking photos with you and you only, you feel good, you feel like a star, then you realized they were taking photos with you like your some kind of tourist attraction or a statue that says "Guitar Guy, feel free to take photos". They do all these poses while your just holding up your guitar and smiling. It felt awesome, awkward, and confusing at the same time. I wanted them to stop but man... I don't want to be unsporting... So I went with it anyways.

Another thing is, well this is to be expected anyway, is how they treat you like some sort of jukebox. Hey, could you play this for me? Could you play that? And then you feel kind of embarrassed when you can't play that song, then when you mentioned "Hey, I know how to play THIS though!" they couldn't be bothered anymore. Like I said, to be expected, I know most guitar guys get the same treatment anyways.

Oh yeah, I forgot, speaking about photos, the next thing they will do is borrow your guitar to pose, leaving you in the dust. Damn you guitar!

So this is how it feels to be a guitar guy, man, people should appreciate guitar guys more often once in a while and give them a break. If they are any cute chicks please for the love of god, at least give him your phone number, he's the guitar guy after all :D...


Sharon said...

this is one of the way to attract chicks, guitar guy~! Can you play me a song? wahahaha~!