Friday, April 24, 2009

Random Post #1

It's pretty funny though, that everyone around me are fretting over their exams, trying to figure out how to overcome them, trying to find a way to deal with the pressure, thinking as if it will be the end of the world if they don't do well...

Sure I worry about exams, but not enough. Not enough to the extent that I would complain or regret that I didn't do well. Perhaps I'm arrogant enough to think that exams are nothing to me, but that's just the half truth (or half lie), the point is that my mind is off to somewhere else.

Today was just one of those days, you don't feel like waking up, and if you do wake up the only thing that comes to mind would be what to eat for lunch. Walk down the cafe and you'll see a familiar sight, 4 stalls would be open most of the time, there's nasi lemak, noodles, the main mixed rice stall, and ahhh, the all time popular choice, Pak Lang nasi ayam... And then you'd be wondering whether to pack your food or eat in the room, or just eat at the cafe. Since there's nobody in the room for a moment, might as well just eat here to pass time.

Finished my lunch, wondering what to do next, buy a drink perhaps, and maybe some Pringles, then what next? Oh yeah, there's another movie in my laptop that I haven't watched yet, hmmmm, snacks, drinks, and a movie, another way to pass time...

And the movie ends, planning on what to do next, I find my ears itching for some melodies, so I opened up iTunes, and Soitaire... I have no idea how much time has passed, playing some card game and listening to sappy songs without a worry in the world (well not really)... Looked at the watch and the short one points to 5... I look outside and see a truck and nobody... Felt tired, took a nap, and then waking up to sounds of a ball bouncing behind my room, another way to pass the time....

And finally I'm here, in the cafe again, with my trusty old laptop typing away random stuff that don't make sense....

The only sense I could make out of this post is that whatever I did or planned to do couldn't make me stray away from the fact that I've been thinking about someone... And the very same fact that I couldn't stop... For what reason, I don't know... I also know that someone will read this blog and then tell me stuff that I wouldn't like... Huh, who gives a damn...

Sent another message...


babynie said... und bout how u mindlessly do things..

stay strong watever it is tt u r goin thru.:D