Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's been a while

Like what the title said, it's been a while since I've made another post. A lot of things happened for the past week. I attended my cousin's wedding and witnessed the Chinese wedding ceremony for the first time! And I even had a great time in the wedding dinner. I've met cousins who I didn't even know that they existed and the best part is that they are all middle aged people! I wish I had more time so I can get to know them better though...

The next thing I want write about is the massacre of Gaza. I was reading the papers while waiting for the bus back to Alor Setar last Sunday and I was shocked to find how terrible the situation in Gaza is. It was reported that out of 75 people killed, 5 of them were confirmed militants. It doesn't take a genius to know who the other 70 people are right? I was disgusted and also saddened by these turn of events, no matter how advanced we are in science and technology, we can never improve in humanitarian events. I believe war and peace is an endless cycle especially when humans are still around, but wars were fought between soldiers! This isn't a war, this is a slaughter, let's hope and pray that this will end one day and sadly this is what I can only do.

Today I've donated blood for the very first time. Everything went smoothly and I have this funny feeling on my right arm. It turns out that my blood type is an O positive which means almost anyone can use my blood haha...