Monday, March 9, 2009

Beyond the Horizon

Came back from UUM for a break and some quality time with the family. Man, home never tasted so sweet before... And to top it off we went for another holiday to the east coast for a night. I have always loved the east coast, now with the new highway and all it's even better because it only takes 2 hours to get there from KL. Sweet!

One of the reasons why I love the east coast is because of one of its delicacies, kerepok lekor. And trust me it's the real thing here. Fresh fish mixed with sago pounded into finger food goodness, it really made my day.

Secondly is of course the sunny atmosphere and the beaches, but unfortunately the beach in the hotel we were staying wasn't that clean. A real shame.

It's a great opportunity for me to lighten up, think positive, forget about the bad things that have been happening recently or in the past. But the matter of fact is this, the trip didn't help. I couldn't sleep that night, woke up after having endless nightmares, my nose was runny and my elder brother was snoring so loud as if he was snoring with amps.

So I lay on the bed, going back to my bad habit of thinking too much or thinking about a certain someone, asking myself why is this and that happening, why can't I get certain things off my mind, what should I do? I tossed and turned, trying to find the best position to sleep, didn't help. And this went on for around 4-5 hours, my phone alarm went off... 6 am...

Since it's the east coast, the sun rise should be one hell of a spectacle, so I decided to get out of bed, brush my teeth, wash my face, grab the camera and go to the beach. 6.15 am... Bloody hell, the resort was pitch black with only a few lights... Luckily my field of vision wasn't as bad as I thought as I made my way to the beach effortlessly.

As I looked into the horizon, felt the breeze, I tried to relax my mind, tried to stop thinking about nonsense, tried not to think about "someone"...

Then I wrote a name on the sand, waiting for the waves to wash away the word, hoping that I could forget about that "someone" like what the waves did to the sand.

My gosh, as I looked into the horizon, wondering what's beyond it, I could never imagine how beautiful the sun really is as it emerged from its slumber.
My mom said I looked very lonely in this pic, I guess I am...


YuV said...

dude, u look effing emo la.. what's up with that...

"Rafael" said...

aiya, dun have also troublesome, have also troublesome... us 2 just made a paradox lol

gnehc weis said...

Im so lonely,Im mr. Lonely,I have nobody ,To call my own ....