Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Long Time

Yup... A long time indeed since I've posted anything these days... Truth is so many things are going on in my mind again, it's like a roller coaster in there, highs and lows, swaying left and right...

Heck I even forgot that I have assignments to finish this week and an exam that I have to prepare for this Friday. Well nothing I can't handle... No wait... There ARE things that we can't handle, things that aren't within reach... Assignments, exams, work, these things don't affect me much since I'm confident enough to finish them in time and well... Yeah I'm kind of proud when it comes to these tasks and yes I brag about it sometimes (don't misunderstand, I'm talking about finishing within the time limit without any hassle, not getting As for all my assignments) but there are things we don't brag about, things we hope people won't notice, things that make you feel like a loser, things that make you wish you were better at.

Not everyone is perfect, there are no absolute zeros and ones in this world, something I've learned from statistics, something I've come to accept.

A friend of mine introduced this sitcom to me, "How I Met Your Mother" and I have to say it is pretty darn good. The story is pretty realistic and has a lot of meaning especially about life. But eerily I see myself in the main character, Ted, single, irrationally picky, over-thinking things a lot, impulsive, well except for the charm cause I'm not sure if I have one...

It's been a while since someone cried in front of me... I couldn't do anything to make it better... If it was a friend I would just give an advice, say take care, be strong and then bye bye but this time... Darn... What the hell was I thinking? I couldn't react, couldn't think of anything appropriate to say, I smiled, I was a fool...

And damn it... I didn't want that moment to end there... I don't know why... Damn it...